How Professional Athletes Recover From Running How Professional Athletes Recover From Running Running can put a great deal of strain on your body, so it's essential to take good care of yourself in...
Does foam rolling help runners?
How Foam Rolling Can Help Runners How Foam Rolling Can Help Runners Running can be a strenuous activity that puts strain on your muscles, leading to microtears in those same muscles and subsequent...
Should runners go to PT?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Should Runners Go to a PT? Running is a high-impact sport that can cause injuries if not trained for and taken care of properly. A Physical Therapist (PT) can help...
How do runners use therapy?
Back on Track Physical Therapy How Do Runners Use Therapy? As it turns out, there's a growing community of runners who incorporate therapy into their workout regimen. From preventing injuries to...
How many days a week should I do PT?
Back on Track Physical Therapy How Many Days a Week Should I Do PT? When it comes to physical therapy sessions, the frequency can vary from person to person. Your therapist and you will collaborate...
Can PT do more harm than good?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Can DIY PT Do More Harm Than Good? If you are dealing with chronic musculoskeletal pain, it can be tempting to attempt healing yourself. Unfortunately, DIY physical...
Should an athlete use a massage gun before or after a run?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Should An Athlete Use A Massage Gun Before Or After A Run? Massage guns can help to stimulate blood flow and deliver recovery-enhancing oxygen, nutrients and...
Can physical therapy help with running?
Can Physical Therapy Help With Running? Can Physical Therapy Help With Running? Running can be an excellent way to stay fit, but it also has the potential for injury. Physical therapists are here to...
What is the best recovery for runners?
Back on Track Physical Therapy What is the Best Recovery for Runners? Running requires proper recovery in order to keep their body healthy and prevent injury. But the most effective way to do so is...
What exercises can I do while running with injury?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Exercises to Do While Running With Injury When you're recovering from a running injury, it can be challenging to stay fit. However, there are still plenty of...
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