Back on Track Physical Therapy Is Walking Good For Injured Runners? When recovering from an injury, the last thing you want to do is overexert yourself. Instead, focus on making slow and steady...
How do runners cope with injury?
Back on Track Physical Therapy How Do Runners Cope With Injury? Injury can happen to anyone at some point, whether you're an elite runner or just a weekend warrior. Dealing with injuries not only...
How do runners stay injury free?
Back on Track Physical Therapy How Do Runners Stay Injury Free? Most running injuries are overuse-related, meaning they occur when runners push themselves too hard. Thankfully, there are several...
Which is the most common injury that runners suffer from?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Running Injuries - Which is the Most Common Injury That Runners Suffer From? Three out of every four regular runners will experience an injury at some point during...
What are the three common running injuries?
Back on Track Physical Therapy What are the three common running injuries Shin Splints, Stress Fractures and Plantar Fasciitis Running can be a great way to stay fit and improve your health, but it...
Why do I get injured so easily when running?
Why Do I Get Injured So Easily When Running? Why Do I Get Injured So Easily When Running? Running is an excellent form of exercise that can improve your health and reduce disease risks, but it comes...
How long do running injuries take to heal?
How Long Do Running Injuries Take to Heal? How Long Do Running Injuries Take to Heal? Running can often cause mild discomfort as runners begin their training regimens. These symptoms usually subside...
Do you need rest days as a runner?
Back on Track Physical Therapy Why You Need Rest Days As a Runner Rest days are an integral component of any runner's training regimen. They allow your body to recover from running and can help...
When should runners get massages?
When Should Runners Get Massages? When Should Runners Get Massages? Many elite runners enlist the aid of a team of professionals to support them on the road, such as sports psychologists, strength...
Is it OK to run through pain?
Back on Track Physical Therapy When Is It OK to Run Through Pain? All runners experience injury from time to time, but knowing when it's OK to continue running despite pain and when to stop can be...
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